Pastoral Prayer - September 10

Hello everyone,
I hope this prayer can comfort your hearts in whatever situation you face. Feel free to send me your prayer requests or leave a comment on this post with your prayers. Know that I'm praying for you. I may not know you, but God knows you.
Thanks for visiting my blog!

"God, we give thanks for the ways that you continue to show us your love. Teach us, oh God, to show that same love toward our neighbors. Loving as you love us is not an easy thing to do. But we know that you can continue to guide us to do so through your Holy Spirit.
In that love, let us support one another, especially as we move forward into a new beginning as a church. Changes are not easy, but we also know that changes are good. We trust in these recent changes in our church. We trust these changes will help us become more hospitable to our community. Trusting that will bring new innovative ideas to make disciples. Trusting that will help us become stronger as a community of faith with a deep desire to love God and our neighbor.
We thank God for allowing us during this new sermon series to participate in the Holy Communion each week. Partaking of the sacrament is how you continue to feed us spiritually. It is where our faith is strengthened, reaffirmed, nurtured, and confirmed as we continue to walk in God's grace. So, God surprises us during this particular time in our church.
Lastly, we pray for the nation as we remember the event of September 11. What a horrible and tragic day. Please comfort those who will be mourning their loved ones for those who survived and may be triggered tomorrow due to their PTSD. Be with them, God.
We thank you for your presence among us, for listening, and for responding. We lift all our prayers, knowing God that you love us, as we conclude by praying as the body of Christ, the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray…"

Do you live close to Dallas area? If yes, are you part of a community of faith? If not yet, you can be my guest at Spring Valley Church this coming Sunday!
If you would like some spiritual guidance, feel free to send me an email at
You can donate to help those affected in natural disasters here!
